B2B, an acronym for Business to Business, refers to a commercial model where transactions are conducted between companies. In this model, the exchange of products, services, or information is between businesses, rather than between businesses and individual consumers. This is in contrast to B2C (Business to Consumer), where the sales and interactions are directed towards the end-users or consumers of the products or services.
Categories: B, SEO Glossary
Other Glossary Terms
- AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page)
- Analytics
- Anchor Text
- Application Program Interface (API)
- Arbitrage
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Astroturfing
- Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)
- Authority
- Authority Score
- B2B
- B2C
- Backlink
- Backlink analysis
- Baidu
- Bait and switch
- Banner blindness
- Banners
- Behavioral targeting
- Beta