The Google Sandbox refers to a purported filter that Google applies to new websites, which is believed to restrict their search rankings for a certain period. This theoretical probationary phase is designed to allow the website to demonstrate its reliability and consistently offer high-quality content before gaining full visibility in search results. The intent behind this concept is to prevent new sites from ranking highly immediately, ensuring that established, trustworthy sites are not unfairly displaced by newer entities.
Google Sandbox
Categories: G, SEO Glossary
Other Glossary Terms
- Google Hummingbird
- Google Keyword Tool
- Google Looker Studio
- Google Panda Algorithm
- Google Partner
- Google Penalties
- Google Penguin Algorithm
- Google Pigeon Update
- Google Piracy update
- Google RankBrain
- Google Sandbox
- Google Search Console
- Google Search Engine Traffic
- Google Search Quality Rater Guidelines
- Google Search Text Ads
- Google Search Text Ads Keywords
- Google Search Text Ads Top
- Google Search Text Ads Traffic
- Google Search Text Ads Traffic Price
- Google SEO
- Google Trends